A special note to my subscribers
/If you are reading this on an email that was sent to you, this is for you!
I have had an email subscription service for my blogs for years. That is the service that is automatically sending you this blog via email. The service I have been using was called Feedburner and it was a free service from Google. Well, they have closed the service down to new subscribers. It will still work for a time, but it is time for us to move on.
So, if you want to continue receiving my blogs via email, please go to my blog site (link below) and sign up for my new email service (follow.it) with your email address:
After you do that (and verify your email address with their service as instructed), please either:
Click the link at the bottom of this email to be removed from Feedburner (this will not affect your new follow.it subscription)
- OR -
Email me and I will take care of it for you.
Thank you for subscribing!
** Stay tuned for my thoughts on the new iPads, Watch and iPhones that Apple announced today!