Got a new iPhone? Here is how to set it up.

Congrats on your new iPhone!  Assuming you are updating from an older iPhone (running iOS 7), here is how I recommend transferring all of you old iPhone “stuff” to your new iPhone:

  1. Leave the new iPhone in the box for now.
  2. On your old iPhone, go to the Home page, then double tap the Home button.
  3. Swipe up on the miniature picture of each running app to “kill” them all.
  4. Restart your old iPhone by holding the top Sleep/Power button for 10 seconds.
  5. Wait for the phone to completely shut down, then power it up again.
  6. Next, go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup.  Make sure iCloud Backup is ON.
  7. Tap on “Manage Storage” on that page, then tap on “This iPhone”.
  8. On the list of apps being backed up, make sure they are all ON.
  9. Go back two pages to the main Storage & Backup page and tap on Backup Now.
  10. Let it back up completely, then set your old iPhone down.

Power up your new iPhone (you don’t need to charge it first) and follow the on-screen directions.  When it asks to set it up as a new phone or restore from backup, choose restore from backup and choose the backup from the old phone you just completed.

Keep following the directions to set up your new phone, which will vary depending on your prior configurations and your carrier.
Finally, when it is all done, open the Mail app and make sure your email is logged in.  If it is not, do that now.  Check other apps that require logging in, like Messages, Facebook, etc.

Once everything is logged in you should be ready to enjoy your new iPhone!