OS X 10.11, El Capitan

A couple of weeks ago Apple released the newest version of its Mac operating system - OS X El Capitan.  It is numerically OS 10.11.  It is free and available in the Mac App Store (Apple menu > App Store…).  In this blog I will give an overview of El Capitan’s features and suggest a procedure to make sure your Mac is ready for the upgrade before you actually install El Capitan.

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Upgrading to iOS 9

iOS 9 has been officially released for just hours now and already I am reading about people having trouble upgrading.  I think many of these people had devices that were not working well under the hood before the upgrade (unknown to them) and the upgrade was problematic.  I have been using iOS 9 on my iPad since July (in a prototype "Beta" form) and it has been very reliable.  This blog will help you upgrade reliably, properly and safely.

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Eating Apple Watch crow - it tastes pretty good!

I admit it, when the Apple Watch was first announced I did not “get” the concept.  I even wrote a blog about how I did not get it and would not buy one.

Soon after it occurred to me - “what if one of my many outstanding clients buys one and contacts me to help set it up and use it?”  Ack, horrors - something Apple that I do not understand.  This would not do and I immediately ordered an Apple Watch.

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The new Photos app for your Mac

If you have the latest version of the operating system for your Mac, specifically 10.10.3 or higher, you have Apple’s newest photo management, editing and sharing app called Photos.  It replaces the long-lived iPhoto as the primary photo app for your Mac.  However, in Apple tradition, iPhoto remains on your Mac as does you iPhoto library.  iPhoto was probably moved off your Dock but it still remains in your Applications folder in Finder.  Apple will not update iPhoto past this point and there may come a time where it will not run at all with future versions of OS X.

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Backups = seat belts for your Mac

I know I have written about backing up in the past; several times, actually.  However, I really cannot think of a more important thing you should do with your Mac (or your iPad/iPhone as far as that goes, but that will be another blog).

In the last couple of weeks I have had a number of clients with failed or failing hard drives.  Hard drives fail for many reasons including for no apparent reason and with no warning.

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